Saturday, October 11, 2014

Updates from Simon and Angie on Chelsea's Risk Category


"We had a wonderful week with Chelsea! She has been full of life and laughter and cheek. Tough day yesterday, as we found out she was not in the lowest risk category we had been hoping for, but is intermediate instead, which is a blow, although much, much better than high risk. Her chances are still very good, and we are extremely thankful to all the parents over the last 50 years or so who have bravely allowed their sick kids to be part of medical trials and studies - without that we would be looking at a truly awful prognosis today. I am just back from hospital, and Angie is in, as Chelsea has been having her first batch of brain focused chemo. As of a few minutes ago she was laughing down the phone with me and had just been for a walkabout with her mummy - tricky dragging 2 machines and 2 separate lines around but she doesn't care! - and apparently she did a dragon roar at a gruffalo... she is simply awesome. Thank you again to all of you from all of us for your love and support - it is truly helping us stay strong! xo"

Angie (Oct. 10th):
"Chelsea is now back home and has been happily playing with her toys, dressing up in her tutus and ballet slippers!"

 She is a strong girl who continues to amaze everyone with her resilience!
The higher risk category means that Chelsea's treatment will be longer, include higher doses of Chemotherapy and has a higher chance of relapse. We ask that everyone continue to pray for Chelsea and send her healing energy. Please also keep Angie, Simon and Sophie in your thoughts; they need all of our support.

Thank you