Donate Now

Chelsea has started a 2 year treatment regime. After insurance, medical costs will reach close to CA$70,000. Please help us alleviate this burden by donating to the Douthwaite Family.    
There are fabulous fundraising events at or you can donate via one of the avenues below.

As Paypal does not allow personal donations we have chosen the following options for donations:

1) Internet Bank Transfer using online banking to Angie's HSBC bank accounts - either HSBC in Canada or HSBC in Hong Kong. Both accounts are under Angela Nixon. There may be a bank fee so please check with your bank for details. Please email Crystal at - for Angie's account information. If possible please include your name in the transfer so that Angie and Simon can respond accordingly. Thank you!

2) Interac e-transfer: For those with a Canadian bank account HSBC accepts Interac e-transfers. Each transaction costs $1.50. The email address you need to send the donation to is

4) Direct Deposit at HSBC banks in Canada or Hong Kong. Both accounts are under Angela Nixon. Please email Crystal at for Angie's bank account information.

3) Cheque via mail: Those living in North America can send a personal cheque to Tamara Mark (Angie's sister). Those living outside of North America can send a money order. Please make the cheque payable to Angela C Nixon.

The address is:
Tamara Mark
2663 Willow Grouse Crescent
Nanaimo, B.C.
V9T 3T8

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